
Plan Harcourt

Biodiversity reports

Stage 1

Stage 2 (Draft)

Mount Alexander Planning Scheme Amendment C94malx

Mount Alexander C94malx - Plan Harcourt - July 2024

Not sure what to plant?

If you are a gardener living in the Mount Alexander Shire (MAS) this tool is for you. It will enable you to confidently select indigenous plants that will thrive in your garden and create habitat for local wildlife, by putting local plant knowledge at your fingertips for 100 species found in MAS.

About – Plant Selector (

Another great list of plants that grow in our area:

Plant List - Harcourt

Plants of our area

This wonderful website is based on the plant identification and reference guide produced by the late Ern Perkins, a founding member of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club (CFNC).

Castlemaine Flora | Home Page

Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF)

Excellent resource about QFF. From identification, look alikes, lifecycle, behaviour, monitoring, trapping and management:

Fruit-Fly-Best-Practise-Notes.pdf (

Fruit fly is a threat to your garden and our local economy. Learn how to identify and manage fruit fly.

About fruit fly:

Pest control | Mount Alexander Shire Council

Fruit Fly Management for Vegetable Growers

Emergency Outbreak Plan which provides a step-by-step plan in the event of an outbreak:

Queensland Fruit Fly emergency outbreak plan | Fruit fly monitoring | Shape Mount Alexander

Other resources:

HV Regional Action Plan 2018-2019.docx 

Nest boxes

Did you know it takes over 100 years for a tree to form natural hollows? Support our native wildlife by building a nest box.

Here are plans to build your own nest boxes:

Hollows, habitat and nest boxes: design and installation tips from Miles Geldard

Nest Box Plans | BIRDS in BACKYARDS